{ Limezest πŸ‹ }

To see what identity the provider is picking up

May 13, 2024
1 minute
Having a keyboard shortcut to open the Picture-in-Picture mode in Google Meet
Apr 03, 2024
4 minutes

With Google Cloud Debugger sunsetted [1], inspecting what files were deployed on a given version of a given App Engine project is harder than before.

Jul 21, 2023
5 minutes
Follow up of the QK65 build
Mar 09, 2023
7 minutes

The β€œMasonry layout” is the name of a technique for creating a responsive grid of items with varying heights. Unlike a traditional grid, where items are arranged in columns and rows of equal size, the Masonry layout arranges items vertically, positioning each one based on the available space in a column.

Feb 15, 2023
2 minutes

Source: this comment on Github.

Feb 14, 2023
1 minute

In this post, we will be going through the build guide step by step and I’ll try to add as many pictures as I can. So, let’s get started!

Jan 08, 2023
4 minutes

Some macOS tips I discovered not long ago.

Sep 05, 2022
4 minutes

How to generate new Hacker News titles on Google Cloud

Aug 31, 2022
11 minutes

Each HTTP connection that your application makes results in a certain amount of overhead.

Aug 25, 2022
7 minutes